The goal for all endodontists across the world is to provide the best root canal treatment available to their patients.
Despite being universal, there are as many ways to complete this objective as there are endodontists. Protocols are meant to guarantee maximum control over the treatment we offer and yet, none of us agree on what is the best way to conduct it. This presentation is a reflective journey through the process in Endodontics, a case-based discussion in which we will review the objectives, the interest and the limitations of process-centered outcomes through a critical lens. We will review the contemporary objectives of the endodontic treatment and analyse how our disease-model and mindset can be the most limiting factors to gaining more control over a case.
We will discuss the direct post-operative outcomes, how they translate into other outcome measures, and how they influence the way we perceive and judge others’ and our own work. Technique will naturally come out and be defined as the cornerstone of the process.